Plans & Surveys

This page contains links to planning documents, some current and some no longer current but containing what may be interesting ideas.

This is not complete and we'll add material as fast as we can manage.

User surveys

LBH: Millfields User Survey, 2009, and Summary
MUG 'Have your Say' 2008

Millfields Master Plan

The documentation is complicated and this section is not up to date yet.

Master Plan map, version 6 aka Revision B, 8 Feb 2011. This is the most recent map issued by Hackney Council.
Master Plan design report, version C, April 2010


Habitat survey and initial recommendations, London Wildlife Trust, 2010.
Despite the title the consultants gave it, this isn't the completed or current management plan, but a habitat survey and set of general and particular suggestions.
Management and Implementation plan. MUG and LBH, March 2011.
This is what we are actually proposing to do. The plan will be reviewed and updated as we progress.

Lea Valley

Millfields lies in the Lee Valley Regional Park, so while Hackney Council manages Millfields, the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority has an interest too. LVRPA drafts a Park Development Framework every ten years or so. In 2011 LVRPA consulted on its plan for an area including Millfields, and MUG made a submission, as well as taking part in drafting a submission by the Lea Valley Federation.

There is a downloadable copy of MUG's submssion.

The Lodge

Lodge Centre Proposal
This proposal for bringing the lodge on south Millfields into use, was drafted by the group in 2008. The master plan consultant rejected the idea and proposed the selling of the lodge and a new building.